In the shadows of social media, it has become even easier for predators to stalk and groom their prey. The loneliness and disruption resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic has made the vulnerable even more so.
Sex trafficking, by its very nature, is a crime that is hidden and mobile, making it difficult to track the criminals and to assist the victims who are under their physical and psychological control. When these young people DO break free, there is inadequate awareness, resources and infrastructure to support them through their recovery. It is also difficult to gather the data required to frame meaningful healthcare and mental health responses.
This is where HART and YOU come in.
HART is a not-for-profit organization focused on raising awareness of the issue of sex trafficking in Canada and supporting sex trafficking survivors through the development of targeted support programs. To help achieve that goal, in partnership with Women’s College Hospital, HART has committed to funding research that will drive the development of resources specifically aimed at multi-disciplinary care for these individuals, and assist governments in forming future policy. In keeping with the hospital’s mandate, the goal is to scale these programs to be used by hospitals and other agencies throughout Ontario, and ultimately, Canada.
We hope you will join us in this important work.
Please donate today to help us support those who have survived what is truly unthinkable. With your help they can heal, know hope, and the possibility of a full life.
Kelly Grier-Nadal